American Airlines Investigates Pilot's 'Lets Go Brandon' Bag Tag

2022-08-13 10:39:48 By : Mr. sealock sealock

American Airlines is investigating a disgruntled tweet regarding one of its pilots. The tweet, posted by a passenger, showed an American Airlines pilot preparing to board a flight with a visible ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ tag attached to his bag.

A passenger traveling from Hewanorra International Airport in Saint Lucia this weekend took to Twitter to voice their displeasure at a bag tag being used by an American Airlines pilot. The pilot, who was waiting to board an outgoing flight, was using a tag with a red, white, and blue logo with the words ‘let’s go Brandon’ emblazoned across the middle.

The phrase has been coined by those who are dissatisfied with the current administration in the US. It began to circulate in the fall last year after a Nascar reporter misheard the crowd’s chants of ‘F*** Joe Biden’ as ‘Let’s Go Brandon.’ It has since become an anti-Biden catchphrase.

Dana Finley Morrison, who was awaiting her flight to Miami, posted a tweet directed at American Airlines, which read:

“Y'all cool with your pilots displaying this kind of cowardly rhetoric on their crew luggage when they're in uniform, about to board a plane? We are not the only passengers who noticed and were disgusted.”

After a furious backlash on social media, Morrison protected her account to stop third parties viewing and responding to the tweet, but not before several screen grabs of the comment were saved and shared.

American Airlines responded requesting further details from Morrison. The airline didn’t disclose what, if any, action would be taken, but received a mixed response as a result.

Many Twitter users sided with the pilot, stating that this was freedom of speech and that the airline should not look to punish his actions. Others sided with Morrison, claiming they would never fly AA again if it continued to allow such propaganda.

There is a fine line between free speech and causing offense to others. While the outcome of this specific situation will be American Airlines’ decision to make, it’s unlikely to fall in the pilot’s favor. Although individual airlines have their own policies for conduct, the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) code of ethics states,

“They will realize that they represent the airline to all whom meet them, and will at all times keep their personal appearance and conduct above reproach.”

While that doesn’t specifically restrict airline pilots from indulging in political propaganda while in uniform, it does set a bar for responsibility. Representing the airline means avoiding upsetting passengers, which could spell trouble for this particular pilot.

It’s not the first time a US airline pilot has found themselves in hot water over the divided political leanings in the country. In November last year, a Southwest pilot was heard to sign off a PA announcement with ‘Let’s go Brandon’ on a flight from Houston. At the time, Southwest released a statement that read:

“Southwest does not condone employees sharing their personal political opinions while on the job, serving our customers.”

The outcome for the American Airlines pilot remains to be seen.

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