The Flexispot Pro Standing Desk has a desk that will fit your space. Our office upgraded desks several years ago so that we could sit or stand. But, for me, more advantageous than merely sitting or standing is being able to incrementally higher and lower my desk all day long. When you’re at work 8-10 hours sitting each day — it’s brutal on the body. But moving your desk to various adjustable heights helps you be able to handle long work hours.
As a side note: I have a serious injury to my back and neck — surgery and all that. I have a timer and slowly higher the desk a few inches every hour in the am, then stand, then lower the desk a few inches all afternoon. This method has allowed me to be able to work long hours in relative comfort. If you have an injury of any type — you need one of these FlexiSpot desks. For those who are in fantastic shape — stay that way and use a FlexiSpot Desk to relieve pressure points on your spine and neck.
Our office went with the black color on top and a black base. A couple of people talked the boss into the wood-grained option, and that is an interesting option. I purchased one for my home office during Covid because the office desk is so comfortable, and we get a ton of compliments.
This is a beautiful, classy desk whether you are finishing off your office or your home office. It is beneficial for optimal productivity to have the same setup at home that you do in the office. Somehow you settle in and get to work faster with fewer distractions.
The FlexiSpot Desk is smooth on the up and down motion — but the best is that it is more stable than many other desks I’ve used. The stability factor is worth a lot when you have kids around your workspace — especially at home. Yes, kids climb on my desk (and I wish they wouldn’t, but I’m not in charge), and no, this desk does not tip over.
I have at least two screens on my desk at all times and come to my home office after a long day and plop down my very heavy backpack without a worry or concern that it will cause an issue. The photo of the guy lying on top of the desk? Well, we have all done that in our office without a hiccup. The FlexiSpot Desk — safe, secure, stable — and classy.
Featured Image Credit: From the FlexiSpot site; Thank you!
All inner images on this page: From the FlexiSpot site; Thank you!
Brad is the editor overseeing contributed content at He previously worked as an editor at PayPal and Crunchbase. You can reach him at brad at