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One longtime political observer has a thing or two to say about the Democratic Party. “What do you view as the Democrats’ biggest problem heading into 2024?”
That was the question to HBO host Bill Maher from Variety, the longtime news organization of record in the entertainment business.
“The biggest problem with the Democrats is their woke baggage,” he replied.
“I think the Democrats could easily win every election if they didn’t do the kind of things that make people go, ‘Oh my God, this is the party of no common sense.’ Stop talking about pregnant men and stuff that makes people go, ‘Who are these [expletive] people? What are they talking about?’” Mr. Maher continued.
“Men don’t get pregnant,” he advised, later adding some insight about the 2024 presidential election.
He believes that former President Donald Trump will throw his proverbial hat in the ring.
“I’m certainly very concerned about that. I said from the very beginning, he’s definitely going to run again. There’s no doubt. He hasn’t conceded the last election. He’s absolutely going to run again,” Mr. Maher said.
She is a businesswoman, mother of four and founder of a pro-America news organization. That would be Tudor Dixon, now on a quest to become governor of Michigan, describing herself as a “conservative outsider” candidate.
She is also very much in touch with the woes of the agricultural community and has the full support of Michigan Farm Bureau president Carl Bednarski, a sugar-beet grower.
“As I travel the state and meet with farmers, producers, and processors, the feedback is universal: regulation and the regulatory agencies are a hindrance to growth. As the second most agriculturally diverse state in the nation, we need to be a champion for our farmers and producers,” Ms. Dixon told her farming constituents during an enthusiastic meeting on a large dairy farm near the town of Alto.
The weather was grand, the attendees energized and the reception for Ms. Dixon’s promise to jettison burdensome regulations was very well received.
“We’ve been milking cows here in the state for 100 years and we are fundamentally a values-based business that tries to do everything the right way,” said Tom Oesch, owner of Swisslane Dairy Farm, which hosted the event.
“The current administration and regulatory agencies are making it difficult for us to make progress. We’re just asking for a spirit of cooperation with our regulators and we feel like we’ve lost that and need to get back to it,” he noted.
The farm or rural vote could be a formidable force. There are 10 million acres of farmland in Michigan, the state is home to 47,600 farms which employ 805,000 people, and the food and agriculture industry contributes $104.7 billion annually to the state’s economy.
And a word about rural voters in general, as reflected by historic stats from the Pew Research Center: 59% of them voted for then-candidate Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, 34% gave the nod to Hillary Clinton. In the 2018 midterms, 59% chose Republican candidates, 38% went with Democrats. And in 2020, 65% of rural voters opted again for Mr. Trump while 33% chose then-candidate Joseph R. Biden Jr.
“The political split between America’s rural areas and its suburban and urban locales remained substantial in 2020,” noted the analysis, published June 30, 2021.
Republican Govs. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas have recently transported undocumented immigrants out of their states, sending them to such destinations as New York City, Washington and Martha’s Vineyard.
Both governors have voiced their rationale for the tactics, which have earned heavy media coverage and partisan criticism.
“The Biden administration continues to operate willfully blind of the crisis. To get its attention, Republican governors like Greg Abbott have been busing and flying migrants to Democrat-run sanctuary cities. While perhaps not a long-term policy solution, it has been a remarkably effective political response, exposing the rank hypocrisy of Democrats who support open borders but don’t want to take responsibility for the consequences,” advised Brian Phillips, communication officer for the Texas Public Policy Foundation, in a statement to Inside the Beltway.
“It has also kept the issue front and center for Americans, particularly Texans who believe border security is the top priority, just weeks before an election that will largely be a referendum on President Biden’s first two years. Americans will have been reminded almost daily that President Biden refuses to address the crisis he’s encouraging. Texans should send him a message he can’t ignore in November,” Mr. Phillips said.
For sale: The Cuchara Pass Ranch Estate, located on 70 acres in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains near Weston, Colorado. Three bedrooms, three baths, living and dining rooms; natural wood and stone throughout, dramatic fireplace, windows and loft; 4,535 square feet across three levels. Game and gun rooms, chef’s kitchen, wrap-around deck, 1,800 square foot workshop — a “self-contained compound” with electric power, water, emergency generator, septic system. Adjoins national forest. Priced at $2.2 million through
• 54% of U.S. adults are buying store brands more often to deal with higher food costs.
• 48% are cutting down on more-expensive items like meat.
• 40% are shopping at bargain stores.
• 31% are eating smaller portion sizes at meals.
• 23% are relying on food banks to supplement groceries.
• 22% are receiving federal or state assistance such as SNAP or WIC.
• 11% say higher prices have had no impact on their expenses or behaviors.
• 2% are not sure whether prices have affected them.
SOURCE: An Investors Business Daily/TIPP poll of 1,277 U.S. adults conducted Sept. 7-9 and released Thursday. Respondents could respond with multiple answers.
• Follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.
• Jennifer Harper can be reached at
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