Posted by Rhino Times | Sep 22, 2022 | Letters to the Editor
Conservatives Need To Get Out And Vote
So we’ve exceeded 2 million known illegal border crossers and the year is not over yet. They have so many to deal with they are simply releasing them into the country without proper processing, which means for all intents and purposes they don’t exist.
And everybody’s attention is, for the most part, concentrated on the Eagle Pass area. The cartels are using the old “watch my right hand while I steal your wallet with my left” ploy. Unfortunately people are buying it. The majority of numbers being reported are coming from the activity in that area. What’s the real number? And what is the actual total number when you factor in the unseen, uncaught illegals, that and the huge amounts of drugs crossing as well. And yes, Chris…they are illegals, contrary to what you try to shovel.
Then factor in the increasing number of criminals and terrorists making it across the border. It’s been reported that Venezuela is taking a page from the Cubans and letting people out of prison if they agree to invade America. And that’s what it is, an invasion, an uncontested invasion because the people that are supposed to be guarding it are busy playing babysitter.
Uncle Joe the Puppet and the (National Socialist) Democrat Party don’t care about America and its legal citizens. They have their eyes on power, plain and simple. And yes, there are some Republicans guilty as well, but the number is small.
We have a chance to make the changes necessary to start the corrections, but it means people, Republicans, conservatives, need to get off their butts and get out and vote. If necessary, get together and carpool to the polls. Talk to three of your friends and neighbors and encourage them to get out and vote. But before they do that, encourage them to study the issues. Voting blindly is as bad as not voting at all.
And to the Party officials who try to tell politicians to toe the Party line or else. Those that we elect work for US, not you. And we the people need to make that clear. Elected officials work for we the people, not you.
And Chris (or whatever name you use at the time), call me a hater, a fascist, a tool, whatever. I really don’t care. People that know me know I am not a mouthpiece for others.
“My Pillow” CEO and Pro Trump Supporter Mike Lindell was harassed by the FBI and his cell phone was seized at a Hardee’s drive thru last week!
Have our current American leaders taken a page from the German playbook and activated the “Brown Shirts” in America?
Who were the Brown Shirts? The Sturmabteilung (more commonly known as the Brownshirts or SA) were a paramilitary group that acted as enforcers for the Nazi Party before they became Germany’s official government. During the Night of the Long Knives, the SA was “blood-purged” – all the high-ranking leaders were killed – and the Brownshirts were replaced by the Schutzstaffel (SS).
Jim, You wouldn’t be referring to the (National Socialist) Democrat Party’s parents would you?
All the illegal immigrants just coming in willy nilly, when not so long ago we were quarantined to our homes because of Covid. Just think what we get to look forward to; More disease, more crime, more healthcare issues, more homelessness, more, more more thanks to Uncle Joe Biden and the Liberals. All Republicans need to get out and vote or we are going to continue to pay more for everything and this Country will continue to decline. Seems like 2016 – 2020 The U.S. of A had good paying jobs, businesses were not closing, stock market was rising, gas prices were great, and alot of other good things were happening
Antifa/BLM are more analogous to the Brown Shirts (also Mao’s Red Guard). The corrupt FBI is more like being the Obiden Gestapo. Before you object to that being hyperbole, put yourself in the place of scores of honest Americans being subjected to humiliating SWAT raids by the FBI on absolutely evanescent/flimsy bases that devolve to essentially their being Trump supporters.
Both of these letters are true bull manure. My best , Roger Wilkes 125 Bob White Way
Alan is such a paranoid nutter he thinks I use different names posting here. LMAO
All should note throughout all of Alan’s rants about illegals attempting to cross the border, he offers no real solution to the problem. Typical ‘scare the electorate’ approach used by worthless right wing politicians that have no ability to actually solve real problems.
The US needs to stop allowing illegals to declare asylum (if international law allows), improve tracking of asylum seekers, and streamline the legal system to better process asylum seekers. For example if they lack evidence of persecution in their own country in hand when entering the US, close the case and send them home.
Real solutions by real leaders are boring, take time, and don’t sound good from the stump. But live in false fear from the false flag party of republicans….CRT False Flag, Gender War False Flags, Immigration Crime Wave False Flag, Schools grooming children False Flag, Dirty Books in Schools False Flags …
Fear is a tool to motivate the ignorant. Just listen to Alan rant every week in his letters and hear a sheep repeat his hollow talking points.
Jim ‘Mr. Enforce The Law’ Donaldson gets triggered by the FBI doing their job. What a hypocrite.
Alan and Jim, I appreciate your dedicated efforts to inform, debate, and change minds. I don’t always agree with everything but I like your enthusiasm. I enjoy Chris What’shisname and a few others who fence with you, it’s interesting to read even if it sometimes boggles my mind.
Alan, I actually had a similar discussion concerning illegal aliens on Twitter earlier today and found it interesting that the person mocking Republicans who couldn’t settle on a number of illegals who had entered the country hadn’t looked at government websites showing that the government doesn’t have any official numbers showing how many have entered this month or since Biden has taken office (go ahead Chris, I triple dog dare you, their charts will give you my migraine). He also didn’t notice that the different memes he was posting had different time parameters making his comparisons, thus his sarcasm, a moot point.
Jim, your point is much more serious, and as a college History major with a degree in education, I know we are further towards ’33 than most realize. There’s an excellent book called The Nazi Seizure of Power, by William Sheridan Allen, that you may be interested in reading. It’s a true account “Thalburg”, Germany (disguised name to protect the town) from 1930-35 in “an attempt to understand…how a civilized democracy could be plunged into a nihilistic dictatorship.” What is most disturbing to me is that those on the “progressive social left” don’t want to admit that their actions and words exactly mirror those of the “far-right extremists” they accuse of being fascists. They don’t seem to understand that a fascist can be an extremist on either side as each is taking away different Constitutional Freedoms in order to achieve its own agenda. Either way, it is wrong.
I want our government to stay in its lane. President is to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Congress is to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” There are many who are not doing this right now. If you run for office knowing you won’t fulfill your oath, then you don’t belong in office. Congressmen, the President and VP, and people working for the government have all violated their oaths in various ways for many years and because they have not been held accountable we have lost many of our Constitutional freedoms. We will lose many more in the near future. I’m so sick of voting for the lesser of the evils, I want to vote for someone I believe in, who has values, morals, integrity, courage, who truly loves the meaning of the Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. That person is too intelligent to run for political office.
Deborah drinking the alarmist Kool-Aid.
No question that extremists in our government are gaining voice. I have laid out in the past examples of ‘actions’ that illustrate how right wing extremists have leaned toward fascisms. All you have done is make the accusation here against the left. Back it up with real examples of their actions. Was it: – The investment in infrastructure? – Funding the fight against Climate Change? – Debt reduction for working class middle Americans? – Support of our Public Health officials in support of vaccines? – Brining CHIP manufacturing back to the United States – Enhanced gun control regulations with NO Gun Bans? – Ending Americas Longest War? – Overseeing the largest job growth period in the history of the US? – Reduction of cost of insulin and other medications? – Oh, and he actually got Mexico to pay for increased border security
The only firm numbers the government has EVER tracked is interception of illegals at the border. The government can only estimate the number of illegals that get through. This is common sense.
Jim Donaldson is right. This country is becoming evocative of Nazi Germany before the National Socialists became completely confident in their rule. We are approximately where Germany was circa 1933-34. The Nazis gained power in Jan. 1933, so these are early days yet. It’s going to get worse… much worse (unless there’s a big anti-government reaction in November and in 2024). But be in no doubt, this country’s fate is on the line.
At least he didn’t pretend to say that “everyone” should vote. Because Alan knows, if everyone voted, his viewpoints would lose in a landslide. Still giggling you think this is Chris.
Alan’s tinfoil hat gets a little loose once in a while. LOL
The least effective way to make one feel a single drop of concern for a Bible thumping ex crack smoking current trump butt sniffing lunatic is to invoke imagery of a heinous atrocity that has touched the lives of millions and still does. While there’s small Jewish populations throughout the south, there are Jews here, and your writing is so absolutely obvious that you don’t know a single one. The holocaust and references to it (always in this abysmal letter section) are so utterly moronic and ignorantly misplaced. Just because you can spout out names of some Jack boot thug’s group doesn’t make you smart. You sound like you get all your information from Wikipedia. You know NOTHING about the history of what lead to the holocaust. If you did you wouldn’t waste your earthy talking about the pillow freak. Read a book. That will stop real fascism.
You will notice that offer little other than hollow accusations. No summary of actions to back up their absurd alarmist accusations. We are not anywhere near the fall that alarmists want their sheep to believe.
The Democrats as a whole have gotten so power hungry that they have violated every decent principle that has been utilized in the last 50 years. Even in the Dem cities they do not care about the average person , look at how many have cut police budgets.That leaves very little for the protection of the little guy in town, who is dependent upon The police. A good example is the woman from St. Louis that came out strong against the olive. And yet she spend at least $500,000 on police protection.We can’t afford to spend any amount of money for protection and yet these politicians spend crazy amounts of money and want to cut our need for police protection.Did I mention that she was a Democrat!!!!!!! If you will notice in all Democrat cities they have ruined all police departments and all violence has broken out. More killing,robbing,snatch and grab,and all other criminal activities. When you see the perpetrators most of them appear to be a minority. So these cities have given the minority ( the bad element) the OK to create havoc their cities and nothing is being done to stop it because of the no bail laws in these cities. I read in NY one person had been arrested over 200 times and not kept Overton jail not one time. This has to be a pathway to UNLAWFUL people. Another thing noted is these people do not go into the rich neighborhoods , that is when a halt will take lace.
Everyone that pays taxes and doesn’t owe back taxes should vote. Bring back the poll tax
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