HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - If you are planning to travel this holiday weekend, it’s time to think about packing those bags.
Pricey baggage fees, the fear of losing luggage, and saving time by not having to wait at that carousal have many ditching the checked bag and jamming everything into the carry-on.
This can sometimes be a challenge, but here’s some easy space savers you can try.
When it comes to clothing, you can always try to stack everything together in a circular formation ― larger items at the bottom then fold them all together.
Instead of folding, you can even roll clothes such as bulky pants.
For cosmetics, use a contact case and fill both sides with a small portion of what you need.
And, if you do take shampoo bottles be sure to use plastic wrap to prevent the cap from popping open in transit.
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