Community news from around the area | News, Sports, Jobs - Weirton Daily Times

2022-07-30 07:27:44 By : Mr. Toplink Technology

FOLLANSBEE — The Follansbee Community Days Committee is sponsoring a fundraiser bingo that will be held Aug. 13 at the Follansbee Community House.

The doors open at 5 p.m., and bingo starts at 6 p.m. The cost is $25 for six bingo cards for 20 games of bingo. Call (919) 210-7538 for tickets or visit Moe’s on Main at 1031 Main St., Follansbee.

Garage sale to benefit school, church, community projects

WEIRTON — St. Joseph the Worker Christian Mothers’ annual garage sale will be held on multiple days this week in the grade school gymnasium at 151 Michael Way, Weirton.

The dates are Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon. Donations of items toward the sale will be accepted only on today through Wednesday. Clothing and large electronic items such as TVs and computers cannot be accepted. Sale proceeds will benefit the school, church and community projects.

WEIRTON — “Chicken blasts,” a local tradition and fundraiser in place for decades, continues on Wednesdays through Aug. 31.

The Serbian Men’s Club is holding these every Wednesday at the Serbian Picnic Grounds of Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Church. The picnic grounds are located on Kings Creek Road in Weirton.

Orders for the hearth-cooked, slow-roasted poultry may be called in from 6 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. to (304) 748-9866 the day of the sales. Orders must be picked up by 6 p.m. The price this year is $10.

Library partnering with Fort Steuben for Frontier Days

STEUBENVILLE — The Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County is partnering with Historic Fort Steuben for Frontier Days on Aug. 6.

Take a trolley ride from the fort to the main library from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for a variety of activities. “When you’re at the Main Library, take a tour, learn how to churn butter, make a loose-leaf tea blend or write with a quill pen,” encouraged Jennifer Cesta, the library’s public relations coordinator.

Children can participate in an American Girl Doll tea party from noon to 2 p.m.

A new book for the library’s StoryWalk at Beatty Park begins on Aug. 1. Families can walk and read “The Hike” by Allison Farrell. Afterward, children can pick up a wilderness journal.

Programs and activities planned at other library system locations include:

Adults: Play board games and more during Game Night on Aug. 4 at 5:30 p.m.

Children: Grab-and-Go Story Time bags are available starting Aug. 5 while supplies last.

60-year reunion for Sept. 9-10

STEUBENVILLE — The Steubenville High School Class of 1962 is planning its 60-year reunion for Sept. 9 and 10.

Reunion activities will begin Sept. 9 with attendance at the Big Red vs. Obama football game with kickoff at 7 p.m.

Festivities will continue Sept. 10 at Hellenic Hall at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, located at 300 S. Fourth St. A group picture will be taken at 6:30 p.m. with a buffet dinner at 7 p.m Dress is casual. The event ends at 11 p.m.

The reunion cost is $20 per person. Checks should be made payable and mailed to Virginia Schnabel, 743 N. Sixth Ave., Steubenville OH 43952.

Questions can be directed to her at (740) 282-4865.

STEUBENVILLE — Bell Chapel United Methodist Church, located at 3914 state Route 213, Steubenville, will be holding a shelterhouse sale on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

In addition to yard sale items there will be sandwiches and driks available.

BETHANY — The All-School Bethany Reunion will be held Aug. 13 at Bethany Park.

In case of rain, it will be moved to the Bethany Community Center.

Anyone who attended Bethany School is invited to attend. For information, call (304) 829-4706.

Lots of prizes awarded when Toronto Seniors have meeting

TORONTO — Judy Bickler opened the July 21 meeting of the Toronto Senior Citizens, welcoming Toronto Mayor John Parker.

Mary Alice Meyer gave the blessing and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Reports were given by the treasurer and social secretary.

Deanna Starr won the 50-50 drawing. Door prizes included gift cards to Bob Evans, won by Barry Wilson and Linda Livingstone; a gift card to Texas Roadhouse won by Irma Straka; a basket of flowers won by Barbara Jean Losey; and dinners won by Arlene Obertance, Emma Spicer, Jo Ann Lewellyn, Chuck Barker and Bob Zahniser. Janet Boyuk won the big basket. Bingo winners were: Mary Ann Whalen, Vickie Ziegler, Emma Spicer and Christina Huggins.

Members were reminded that dues are due by the August meeting and August dinner. Checks can be mailed to Carol Eddy, 23 Emmett Way, Steubenville, OH 43952. They should be made out toToronto Senior Citizens with the memo line noting what the check is for.

A trip announced was one Aug. 12 to Tulka’s Polynesian Island Magic Hawaiian Show in Columbiana.

offering Food Truck Party VBS

WEIRTON — The Food Truck Party Vacation Bible School hosted by Chapel Hill Wesleyan Church, 139 Gilson Ave., Weirton, will welcome children in grades kindergarten through six “to get on a roll with God for one of summer’s biggest parties.”

It will be held at the church from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. today through Friday. There is no cost.

Each evening, children — the “chefs” — will enjoy daily snacks from local food trucks, do crafts, conduct science experiments, enjoy music and learn Bible stories.

“This VBS invites children to pray as Jesus teaches us in Matthew 6:11; ‘Give us this day our daily bread,'” a spokesperson explained. “These words serve as a reminder that everything we have comes from God — and that it’s by turning to God in prayer that all of our daily needs are met,” the spokesperson added.

Parents or guardians are requested, but not required, to register their child online at Registrations will be taken at the door, too.

Parents are not required to stay during the activities, but are welcome to. Questions can be directed to (304) 670-3239 or (304) 491-0025.

JEWETT — An open air market is continuing on Thursdays in Jewett at 308 E. Main St. and at other times this summer and through the fall.

There will be products and goods by local artisans with free setup for vendors.

The remaining 2022 dates are Thursday; Aug. 11 and 25; Sept. 8 and 22; and Oct. 13.

For information, contact Tammy Verhovec at (740) 491 7938.

‘Saturday Night Lights’ fun show Saturday at saddle club

RICHMOND — “Saturday Night Lights” fun shows kick off Saturday at the grounds of the Steubenville Saddle club, located at 8675 state Route 152 N., Richmond.

“Saturday Night Lights” fun shows also are planned for Sept. 24 and Oct. 22, both beginning at 6 p.m.

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