Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin Season 1 Episode 1 Recap - Spirit Week

2022-08-13 10:39:41 By :

Season one episode one of HBO Max’s Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin begins with a trip back in time to December 31, 1999, in Millwood, Pennsylvania. Back when Y2K was a big thing and teen movies were taking over theaters.

It appears the audience is looking through the eyes of a distressed girl outside a party. Tearfully she says, “I need help! Sidney? Corey?” as she looks at a group of girls posing for a picture.

We finally see the girl, who we find out later is Angela Waters (Gabriella Pizzolo). She’s visibly upset and crying as she makes her way into a raging New Year’s Eve party with what appears to be blood on her cheek. She grabs two people, begging them for help but they ignore her. She spots the same group of girls who were posing for pictures outside, and they’re now inside dancing and having the time of their lives.

Grabbing Sidney (Kristen Maxwell), Angela is on her knees and holds onto her while crying out, “Sidney, please! Sidney, look at me. I’m begging you, please!” Sidney turns and looks at what appears to be the girl in charge, Davey Adams (Ava DeMary). Davey tells Sidney to come on and Sidney seems to grow a spine and thinks maybe they should help. Davey reminds her through clenched teeth, “We talked about this.”

The girls return to dancing, leaving Angela behind.

As the DJ starts the countdown to midnight to ring in 2000, Angela climbs up a ladder and stands above the happy crowd. The crowd sees her and the DJ cuts the music. Angela screams, “Can you see me now?!” as Davey yells, “Angela, don’t!”

The screen goes black and then suddenly teenagers are running every which way while screaming. The five girls who wouldn’t give her the time of day stand over her body.

Fast forward 22 years and Imogen Adams (Bailee Madison) sits down to dinner with her mom while dreading the arrival of her former best friend, Karen (Mallory Betchel), who’s coming over to retrieve her things. As Imogen’s mom makes jokes about burning Karen’s things for being a “fair weather” friend, there’s a knock at the door.

After fake pleasantries, Karen hands Imogen’s mom an envelope that was taped to the door. We now learn that Imogen’s mother (Carly Pope) is none other than Davie Adams, the head queen in charge that night all those years ago. The note reads “To Davie” with the A in her name in red and the rest in black.

Davie opens it and inside is a flyer from the 1999 party. Visibly shaken, Imogen asks her mom if she’s okay and Davie assures her she is. After Imogen and Karen head upstairs, Davie flips over the flyer. A message on the back reads: “Gone but never forgotten. You can’t ignore the past forever. The countdown is on.”

As Karen’s going through Imogen’s closet, she makes snide remarks, pointing out it’s not like she can wear these now because she’s pregnant. Imogen tries to reason with Karen; it appears Imogen and Karen’s boyfriend kissed, and Imogen insists he kissed her. Karen becomes angry when Imogen asks when she’s going to let it go.

After some choice words, Karen is about to leave when they notice water in the hallway coming from the bathroom. Inside, they find Imogen’s mom lying dead in a bathtub with the letter A written in blood on the wall.

One month later a now grown-up Sidney Hayworthe (Sharon Leal) and her daughter, Tabby (Chandler Kinney), have invited Imogen to live with them. (Tabby’s not a fan of the arrangement.) Her mom notices she’s been working a lot more at the movie theater and Tabby claims she’s just trying to give Imogen her space.

Imogen wants to return to school and Sidney isn’t sure that’s a good idea. However, Imogen’s worried they’ll make her repeat the year – and her mom would have hated that. Sidney reveals in high school she would have done anything for Imogen’s mom, and Imogen’s mom would have done the same for her. Just then we get a flashback of teenage Davie and Sidney in 1999.

Sidney’s a real estate agent now and in charge of selling Imogen’s house. She asks Tabby to drop off the keys under the front door mat. Imogen wants to tag along because she wants to retrieve a picture she thinks is still at the house.

As Tabby and Imogen walk to school, Tabby asks if she knew their moms were friends back in high school because she definitely didn’t. Imogen confirms she didn’t know as well. She does admit that although she and her mom talked about everything, her mom didn’t really talk about her high school years. Tabby confirms the same thing goes for her mom.

Tabby places the keys under the mat and as the two girls begin to walk away, a figure appears inside the house watching them.

As soon as they walk through the doors of the high school, they come face-to-face with Karen who, quite unconvincingly, lets Imogen know if there’s anything she needs, she’s there for her. Karen gives Imogen a hug and whispers in her ear, “People may be polite to you but trust me, nobody wants your pregnant, tragic ass here.”

Tabby witnesses the exchange and realizes Karen’s actually a mean girl. Tabby has a change of heart and suggests they sit together at lunch.

Karen tries to get the attention of a girl named Faran Bryant (Zaria) while sitting at a table trying to interest people in voting for her for Spirit Queen. Faran ignores her and keeps on walking. Karen doesn’t let that get her down and focuses her attention on a girl looking at an LGBTQ poster, telling her there’s no need to come out because everyone already knows. Karen also refers to the girl as “Rodent” because she goes by Mouse. (Her real name’s Minnie.) Minnie (Malia Pyles) doesn’t take any crap from Karen and returns the insult, calling her Basic Barbie.

A new key character enters season one with the arrival of Noa (Maia Reficco). Noa’s wearing an ankle monitor as she drops off a urine sample with the school nurse. The scene also reveals that Karen has a twin sister, Kelly. Kelly volunteers as an aide in the nurse’s office and listens to the school nurse and Noa chat.

Noa leaves the nurse’s office, upset at what her life has become. She’s been ordered to wear the ankle monitor for three more weeks and has to take drug tests for the rest of the year. Plus, she has mandatory community service. Her boyfriend, Shawn (Alex Aiono), tries his best to comfort her. He’s given up school activities and hangs at her place so she’s not alone.

After Shawn walks away, Noa receives a text from “unknown” that reads: “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.” She texts back asking who they are and receives “your conscience” in response.

Tabby’s in film class and the teacher passes out a list of movies to be used to inspire a short film. She’s unhappy with the list because it doesn’t include any directors of color and has only two women. Unfortunately, the teacher won’t budge. Immediately after the exchange Tabby receives a text from an unknown person asking what her favorite scary movie is. She asks who this is and the person writes “peeping tom.”

Imogen’s also sitting in class when she gets a text telling her to look outside the window. She sees what appears to be a man standing outside wearing a creepy mask. She’s forced to look away when the teacher calls on her and, of course, the person is gone when she looks back outside.

Mouse is on a computer in an empty classroom listening to music when she receives a message reading: “Can Minnie Mouse come out to play? XOXO, Mickey.” She looks out the small window in the door and then blocks Mickey’s number.

Faran snags the role of the Black Swan in the school’s ballet. She’s ecstatic about the role but Karen’s definitely not happy with her part. Karen acts like she’s congratulating Faran but really she’s making racist remarks, noting Madame Giry probably had to make her the Black Swan since she’s the only girl there who’s… Karen doesn’t finish but it’s obvious what she was implying.

Faran is next up to receive a text from “unknown.” It reads: “You’re gonna slay as the Black Swan.” Faran looks around the ballet room but, given it’s a room full of teenagers, they’re all on their phones. Just like the other girls, she asks who it is and the response is “your no. 1 fan.”

Faran calls her mom (Zakiya Young) who’s in Pittsburgh working to let her know she got the part of the Black Swan. Faran asks her mom if she’s going to come to watch the show, and her mom assures her she’ll be there. When Faran reminds her she never wants to go to any of her high school stuff, we’re treated to a flashback of the 1999 party. Her mom, Corey, was part of the five girls all those years ago.

Corey pushes away that memory and swears she’ll be there.

Imogen’s in the bathroom when a classmate says she’s sorry about her mom. The girl asks what she’s going to do about the baby. Is she going to raise it on her own? Can the father help? That leads to a flashback of Imogen sitting on a beach with a bottle of alcohol next to her.

The conversation appears to have convinced Imogen to tell the school nurse she wants to get rid of “it” as soon as possible. She and her mom were going to keep the baby and raise it together without the father’s help. Imogen believes the better option now is to abort the baby.

The nurse explains six months is too late to abort. Imogen knows this deep down, but as she begins to talk, she has a flashback of her mother lying dead in the bathtub. She confesses she’s overwhelmed and the nurse reminds her she has three more months and then she can give up the baby – if she wants to.

Karen stops Noa in the hallway at school and asks for her vote for Spirit Queen. It seems Karen doesn’t have many fans and Noa adds herself to the list of no votes. Karen brings up Noa having to go to community service and tells her, “Say hi to my dad for me.” (Karen and Kelly’s dad is the town sheriff and in charge of community service.)

Tabby sneaks into the boys locker room and retrieves a camera she hid in there.

As Noa’s picking up trash she sees the same person with the creepy mask that Imogen saw earlier at school. He’s watching her from a window in a rundown part of town. After yelling that she’s going to report him, she walks over to Sheriff Beasley’s car. As she approaches, she catches the sheriff doing questionable things with a teenage boy. After the sheriff notices her watching him, she runs off.

Tabby’s manager, Wes (Derek Klena), at the movie theater okays her request to host a free double feature of Jordan Peele films for the high school. He offers her a ride home from work and asks if she’s sure she’s in high school because she reminds him of the girls he used to date at NYU.

Imogen goes back to her old house, alone (cue the dramatic background music). She finds an ultrasound picture of her baby and spots the flyer her mom received the night of her death.

Noa’s mom, Marjorie (Elena Goode), is cooking when Noa gets home. Marjorie warns her daughter to keep her distance from the other kids doing community service because she doesn’t need any bad influences in her life. It’s now Marjorie’s turn to have a flashback of that horrible night in 1999.

Tabby takes her manager up on his offer of a ride and he pulls over to the side of the road. He claims he meant what he said earlier and says she’s “something else” and special. He also claims he told his professors at NYU about her. That piques her interest.

Wes touches her hand and leans in to kiss her as she looks up and sees the same person Imogen and Noa saw earlier hiding by some trees. Freaked out, and rightfully so, she orders Wes to start the car and go. Wes sees what she’s looking at and is about to get out of the car when Tabby brings up the Zodiac killer. (Tabby is a horror movie buff.)

Tabby’s still jumpy when she gets home but her mom doesn’t seem to notice. After a quick hello and goodnight, she leaves the room. She checks her spy cam (from the boys locker room) as soon as she’s in her room and begins to take notes.

Faran rehearses with her partner, Henry, and then has a private meeting with Madame Giry. Giry questions where Faran was the previous evening and Faran explains she was at work. Madame Giry worries this might too be big of a role for her but Faran reveals she has her eyes set on a bigger role. Giry doesn’t think that role would be a “good fit” for her and Faran asks, point blank, “Why? Because I’m Black?”

Madame Giry claims it has to do with Faran’s medical history. “If ABT (the American Ballet Theatre) found out about your scoliosis, I doubt they would accept you. Too much risk of re-injury. But don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret safe,” says Giry.

Mouse is in class when a boy named Ash introduces himself. He noticed her checking out his flyer for the LGBTQ club and thinks she should come check it out. She explains she’s not into extracurricular activities or group settings. He tries to persuade her by saying they have awesome snacks.

Principal Clanton calls Imogen into his office, concerned about how she’s doing after being informed about the conversation she had with the nurse. They’re all concerned about her well-being and don’t think the high school is equipped to give her the support she needs. She assures him she just had a bad day and that’s it, pleading with him not to kick her out of school. He replies, “No one is kicking anyone out. You haven’t done anything wrong but as principal, I have a responsibility to the entire student body. Some of your classmates are triggered by your presence here.”

He doesn’t reveal the names of the concerned classmates.

Imogen finds Karen in the busy lunchroom and confronts her about going to the principal. Karen tells her she looks unwell and calls her unhinged. Imogen turns her rage to Greg, Karen’s boyfriend, and after calling him a few choice names she asks if he’s finally going to tell the truth. He, wisely, chooses not to respond. Karen tells Imogen she doesn’t belong there, adding that she isn’t the only person who feels that way.

Imogen faces all the students and says she’s not going anywhere. Not only that, she’s going to be Spirit Queen – just like her mom was. “I’m running against you and I’m going to win,” announces Imogen.

Karen and Kelly sit down for dinner with their mom, Martha (Jennifer Ferrin), and dad, Tom. The normal how was your day at school inquiry leads to Karen going off about how it wasn’t fine. She believes Imogen shouldn’t be walking around school six months pregnant and with a suicidal mother. She also tries to imply Madame Giry gave the lead role in the ballet to someone because she’s Black but is cut off before she can finish that train of thought by her dad asking if the other person is a better dancer.

Kelly, playing peacemaker, tries to tell her dad Karen is really good. He asks again if the girl who got the role is a better dancer. She responds that she doesn’t think so. He suggests she take a look around. She has nice clothes and a nice house, and he wonders if she knows how all of this is possible. When she doesn’t respond, he tells her, “It’s because I am the best at what I do,” basically telling her she needs to be better than everyone else.

Mouse is online when she gets a message from her new friend Ash. Her mom, Elodie (Lea Salonga), walks in and asks who she’s chatting with. She admits she doesn’t like her chatting online because there are bad people in the world. The fifth and final person from that horrible night in 1999 is revealed as Elodie experiences a flashback of the party.

Karen appears to be having a second dinner at the local pizza joint with her boyfriend, Greg. She’s barking orders at him about getting a suit for the dance. She’s not going to be crowned queen when he’s in his stupid letterman’s jacket. (Those are her words, not mine!)

Greg warns her to stop talking to him the way she speaks to her mom, and Karen calls her mom pathetic and claims she’ll never be like her.

Greg earns a kick under the table when he isn’t sympathetic about her anger over Faran getting the Black Swan role. Everyone is staring at them as Karen snarls that he’s lucky she lets him touch her. Greg’s finally had enough and leaves.

Faran’s still at school at night, practicing, when she spots the creepy person with the mask. She’s about to investigate when she’s suddenly startled by Madame Giry. She immediately questions why Faran isn’t practicing and seems not to like Faran at all. Faran explains she’s taking a break but Giry insists she needs to build up her endurance.

Imogen and Tabby go over the day’s events, and Imogen opens up about having a series of panic attacks and asking the nurse about an abortion. She also reveals she went back to her house and found the 1999 party invitation that her mom received right before she committed suicide. Imogen hands over the invitation and confesses she has no idea why her mom would kill herself. She would never have thought her mom would leave her that way.

Back at the school, the janitor spots the masked stranger and orders him to leave campus. The janitor then discovers Karen’s Spirit Queen campaign flyers have been vandalized. The masked person appears and kills the janitor!

Imogen and Tabby show up at school with their own flyers announcing Imogen’s run for Spirit Queen. They’re shocked to discover someone else has beat them to it and hung up posters of Imogen running for Spirit Queen. (The second A in Adams is in red on the posters.) They also see Karen’s posters have been vandalized. They both think Karen is behind this and even screwed with her own posters.

Tabby and Imogen earn a trip to the principal’s office.

Karen finds a dead rat in her backpack and, of course, Mouse is blamed and also sent to the principal’s office. Noa’s drug test comes back dirty, even though Noa swears that’s impossible. And Karen finds razor blades in her ballet shoes and accuses Faran of placing them there.

All five girls are sent to detention where they compare notes on how they got there. The evidence adds up to Karen being responsible for getting them in trouble.

Season one episode one ends with Rob Zombie playing as background music and the girls hatching a plan to get payback on Karen. When some of them question what they should do, Imogen replies with a sinister look on her face, “I think…we should kill Karen Beasley.”

Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin Episode One Review

As someone who watched the original Pretty Little Liars I was very interested in this new series. Original Sin is much creepier, more intense, and has more of the jump scare factor. The issues these five girls face are a lot more heavy-hitting than in the 2010 show, but it is 12 years later. Plus, being on HBO Max could play a factor in that.

The acting isn’t impressive thus far, but the storyline laid out in episode one and the death of Angela Waters have definitely piqued my interest. Original Sin‘s first episode raises a lot of questions that need to be answered. If you love a good mystery or playing whodunit (or, in this case, who is A?), this might be the show for you.

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